ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository

IXV GNC&FM Subsystem Phase D Activities: Towards a Successful Qualification Review
Contreras, R.; Rodriguez-Fernandez, G.; Serrano, D.; Kerr, M.; Fernandez, V.; De Zaiacomo, G.; Bejar-Romero, J.A.
Presented at:
Porto 2014
Full paper:

The Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle (IXV) [1] is an ESA re-entry demonstrator scheduled to fly in October 2014 aboard Europe’s Vega Launcher. It is a technology platform that represents a step forward with respect previous European re-entry experience with the Atmospheric Re-entry Demonstrator (ARD) [2], flown in October 1998, with an increase in-flight manoeuvrability allowing the verification of technologies over a wider re-entry corridor, and actuated through the combination of four RCS thrusters and two body flaps mounted at the aft windward side of the vehicle. In order to fulfil the technology experimentation and validation objectives, a number of experiments are to be flown on-board the IXV [1], including TPS, F-IS, ATD/AED and VMI. In addition, the IXV provides a basis to mature, consolidate and prove European GNC technologies for re-entry vehicles. This paper describes the IXV GNC subsystem Phase-D activities leading to the GNC Qualification Review (QR), highlighting the validation and verification approach.