ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository

In Flight Results of Adaptive Attitude Control law for a Microsatellite
Pittet, C.; Luzi, A. R.; Peaucelle, D.; BiannicC, J-M.; Mignot, J.
Presented at:
Porto 2014
Full paper:

This paper deals with a new attitude adaptive control law which has been developed and tested in flight on CNES PICARD microsatellite in January 2014. This work is the result of a three year PhD study on time varying control laws for satellite attitude control funded by CNES and ONERA. First the motivation of the study is presented and the pre-existing switching control law is detailed to be used as comparison basis. Then the design algorithm of the adaptive control law and the sensitivity of the tuning parameters are described. The control law validation is then presented including testing of the adaptive control on an AOCS simulator and on a satellite test bed with realistic in flight scenarii. Results are compared to the pre-existing switching strategy. Finally, in flight results are provided and discussed.