ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository

New Reaction Wheel Assembly Series with High Reliability and Low Disturbance
Izawa, K.; Kanzawa, T.; Yamanaka, K.; Matsumoto, M.; Taniguchi, N.
Presented at:
Porto 2014
Full paper:

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Mitsubishi Precision Co., Ltd finished developing the New Reaction Wheel assembly series with High Reliability and Low Disturbance by qualifying the compact option, ‘Type S’, in 2013. The New Reaction Wheel assembly series comprises Types L/L-A, M/M-A and S in differing degrees of storage angular momentum; with compact and high vibratory tolerance and low disturbance. The RWA series was launched on the Japanese observation satellites; GOSAT in 2009 and the Global Change Observation Mission; GCOM-W1 in 2012 and are operating successfully at present. In addition, The RWA series will be launched on many Japanese satellites. This paper describes the design feature specifications, qualification test results and life test status of the New Reaction Wheel assembly.