ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository

ESA Pointing Error Engineering
Ott, T. ; Benoit, A. ; Van Den Braembussche, P. ; Fichter, W.
Presented at:
Karlovy Vary 2011
Full paper:

The ESA Pointing Error Engineering Handbook is intended to be published as an applicable document for ESA projects providing a step-by-step engineering process with clauses, guidelines, recommendations, and examples, for the specific case of satellite pointing errors. The process ranges from the unambiguous formulation of pointing error requirements, to systematic pointing error analysis, and eventually to the compilation of pointing error budgets. The handbook not only puts the different mathematical elements of the ECSS Control Performance Standard E-ST-60-10C in an engineering context, but it also complements the standard by introducing further developments in the field of pointing performance analysis. In this paper the scope and main elements of the ESA PEE Handbook are introduced as well as its application framework.