ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository

GPS / Galileo Navigation Receivers for Space Applications
Krauss, P.A. ; Kuehl, C. ; Heim, J. ; Gottzein, E.
Presented at:
Karlovy Vary 2011
Full paper:

The further development of navigation receivers has to go hand in hand with the advances in the constellations for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). As more and more features will be provided by the services of modernized GPS, GLONASS and the upcoming Galileo and Compass, the functions and performance of spaceborne GNSS receivers have to be extended as well. Today, the MosaicGNSS Receiver is operating in space using only the GPS L1 civil signal. Its successor, the LION Navigator, is currently under development for using all open civilian signals of all GNSS constellations.