ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository

Giove-A AOCS: An Experience from Verification to Flight
Johnston, G., Holt, A., Jackson, C.
Presented at:
Tralee 2008
Full paper:

GIOVE-A, the first test satellite for the Galileo navigation satellite programme was placed into a 23,223 km altitude Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) on the 28th December 2005, with the primary mission objective of securing the Galileo system’s frequency allocation. The satellite, which was designed and built in a little over two years, is the first of a new family of MEO and GEO platforms offered by Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL). SSTL is a world-leader in the design, manufacture and operation of small satellites with 27 missions launched since 1981. GIOVE-A is the largest SSTL satellite launched to date, the first in an orbit beyond LEO altitudes and the first to feature deployable, steerable solar arrays.