ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository

In-flight Performance Assessment of the Single Frequency MosaicGNSS Receiver for Satellite Navigation
Yoon, Y., Montenbruck, O., Ulrich, D.
Presented at:
Tralee 2008
Full paper:

In this paper, the tracking and navigation performance of the MosaicGNSS receiver onboard the TerraSAR-X satellite are presented using reference data from a dual-frequency IGOR receiver for comparison. A 10-20 m navigation accuracy is generally obtained, which meets the mission requirements and serves the needs for onboard navigation and timing. Specific aspects of the TerraSAR-X mission, such as antenna orientation, orbit correction maneuvers and interference are discussed. In addition, the quality of the reconstructed TerraSAR-X trajectory based on the single frequency GPS measurements is analyzed. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that a 0.5-1 m 3D orbit accuracy can be achieved through a sophisticated ground processing, which represents more than an order of magnitude improvement over the real-time onboard solution.