ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository

Image Simulation for Space Applications with the SurRender Software
Jeremy Lebreton, Roland Brochard, Matthieu Baudry, Gregory Jonniaux, Adrien Hadj Salah, Keyvan Kanani, Matthieu Le Goff, Aurore Masson, Nicolas Ollagnier, Paolo Panicucci, Amsha Proag, Cyril Robin
Presented at:
Virtual Conference 2021
Full paper:

Image Processing algorithms for vision-based navigation require reliable image simulation capacities. In this paper we explain why traditional rendering engines may present limitations that are potentially critical for space applications. We introduce Airbus SurRender software v7 and provide details on features that make it a very powerful space image simulator. We show how SurRender is at the heart of the development processes of our computer vision solutions and we provide a series of illustrations of rendered images for various use cases ranging from Moon and Solar System exploration, to in orbit rendezvous and planetary robotics.