ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository
The Euclid AOCS and FGS Verification Tasks at System Level
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Euclid is the next medium-class mission of ESA?s Science Program, which launch is foreseen in 2022. Thales Alenia Space Italy (TAS-I) is the Prime contractor, but some significant verification activities have been maintained at system level. In particular, TAS-I is in charge to test the Attitude and Orbital Control Subsystem (AOCS) in a dedicated Avionic Module Verification (AVM) facility, where closed-loop simulations with real hardware are executed. Furthermore, the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS), which is the main attitude sensor of the mission, is widely tested at system level for its performance validation, including the management of its large star catalogue. Finally, TAS-I has also driven the design of the Hybrid solution , where the Reaction Wheels (RWL) are used in a start-stop speed regime: a dedicated qualification campaign for this usage has been carried out, which main results will be presented.