ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository


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78 search results:
SSATT : A Tool for Automated Evaluation of Star Sensor Design, Performance and On-Board Algorithms
Estec 1999

Zuiderwijk, S. ; Kruijff, M. & v.d. Heide, E.J.

Closed Loop AOCS Testing of an Autonomous Star Tracker
Estec 1999

Jorgensen, J.L.

Acceleration Measurements on Sloshsat FLEVO for Liquid Force and Location Determination
Estec 1999

Vreeburg, J.P.B.

Electric Actuators for H-IIA Rocket TVC Systems
Estec 1999

Fujii, K.; Suzuki, Y. & Mugitani, T.

SED 16 Autonomous Star Tracker
Estec 1999

Krebs, J.P.; Pissavin, P. & Vilaire, D.

Tracking Non-Stellar Objects on Ground and in Space
Estec 1999

Riis, T. & Jorgensen, J.L.

Life-Cycle of a Starmapper
Estec 1999

Dezaire, M ; De Boom, C.W. ; Oprel, P.J.; Verhoeff, P. & Van Riel, L.J.M.

An Optical Based Strategy for Deep Space Autonomous Navigation
Estec 1999

Vasile, M. ; Romano, M. ; & Trainiti, F.

A Three Axes Rate Instrument Sensing (TRIS) Package Based on Solid State Coriolis Vibrating Gyroscopes (CVG)
Estec 1999

Ghibaudi, P.; Binda, S. & Fossati, D.

The UK Wide Angle Star Sensor (WASS)
Estec 1999

Cockshott, R.A. ; Purll, D. ; Fillery, N & Lewis, V.

A Compact Autonomous Medium Resolution, High Accuracy Star Tracker for Earth Remote Sensing Spacecraft
Estec 1999

Maresi, L. ; Noteborn, R. ; Nielsen, R.; Aistrup, F.

Autonomous and Advanced Navigation Techniques
Estec 1999

Regnier, P. ; Vaillon, L. & Strandmoe, S.

Data Fusion Based Navigation Concept for LEO Satellites
Estec 1999

Janschek, K. ; Boge, T. ; Krasilshikov, M. & Jacobson, M.

Navigation, Guidance and Control of Asteroid Sample retum Spacecraft: MUSES-C
Estec 1999

Kubota, T. ; Hashimoto, T. ; Kawaguchi, J. ; Sawai, S. ; Baba, K. ; Uo, M. & Osanai, H.

ATV Guidance, Navigation and Control for Rendezvous with ISS
Estec 1999

Gonnaud, J.L. & Pascal, v.; Matra Marconi Space, France

Full Attitude from a Single GPS Antenna: Demonstration of Concept with Orbital Data from PoSAT-1
Estec 1999

Buist, P.J. ; Hashida, Y. ; Unwin, M. ; Schroeder, M.

Image Based Attitude Determination Using an Optical Correlator
Estec 1999

Janschek, K. ; Boge, T. ; Dyblenko, S. & Tchernykh, V.

A New Type of Conical Scanning Infrared Earth Sensor
Estec 1999

Zhiwu, M & Wei, C.

Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking. An Autonomy Assisted Human Operator Approach
Estec 1999

Jorgensen, J.L. & Thuesen, G.G.

SILEX Pointing Acquisition and Tracking: Ground Tests and Flight Performance
Estec 1999

Griseri, G.

Hexapod and CPD Pointing Control Systems
Estec 1999

Musetti, B. ; Cibrario, B. & Pepe, F.

Development of AOCS Functional Software for a Low Cost Satellite Project
Estec 1999

Schmitt, Ch. ; Keil, N. ; Bauer, H. & Strietzel, R.

BEPPO-SAX Scientific Gyroless Modes
Estec 1999

Tramutola, A.; Montagna, M; Martella, P. & Bacchetta, A.

Development of the PROBA Attitude Control and Navigation Software
Estec 1999

de Lafontaine, J. ; Buijs, J. ; Vuilleumier, P. ; van den Braembussche, P. & Mellab, K.

ADS: AOCS Design Software
Estec 1999

Busseuil, J. ; Doussaud, D. ; Roche, Y. ; Van Overbeek, T. & Roser, X

Robustness of Ariane 5 GNC Algorithms
Estec 1999

Rongier, I. & Droz, J.

Control System of Brazilian Launcher
Estec 1999

Leite Filho, W.C.

Low Cost CMG-Based AOCS Designs
Estec 1999

Defendini, A.; Lagadec, K.; Guay P.; Blais, T. & Griseri, G.

Technology Predevelopment for Active Control of Vibration and Very High Accuracy Pointing Systems
Estec 1999

Defendini, A. ; Vaillon, L. ; Trouve, F. ; Rouze, Th. ; Sanctorum, B. ; Griseri, G. ; Spanoudakis, P. & von Alberti, M.

AOCS for Agile Scientific Spacecraft with Mini CMGs
Estec 1999

Salenc, C. & Roser, X.

Flywheel Power and Attitude Control Systems (FPACS)
Estec 1999

Guyot, P.; Barde, H. & Griseri, G.

Multipath Effects in GPS Navigation for Rendezvous Operations
Estec 1999

Carrascosa-Sanz, C ; Colmenarejo-Matellano, P. ; Mora-Castro, E.J. & Ortega, G.

Attitude Determination Using GPS: Multipath Reduction through GPS Antenna Design
Estec 1999

Vaillon, L. ; Taffet, B. ; Degeselle, J. ; Giulicchi, L. & Pasetti, A.

GPS Multipath Modelisation and Simulation Software
Estec 1999

Guichon, D.; Caplain Saint André, G. & Busseuil, J.

A New Algorithm (STAR) for Cycle Ambiguity Resolution within GPS Based Attitude Determination
Estec 1999

Arbinger, Ch. ; Enderle, W. ; Fraiture, L. & Wagner, O.

Guidance and Control for Autonomous Re-entry and Precision Landing of a Small Capsule
Estec 1999

Klotz, H. ; Markus, M. ; Grimm, W. & Strandmoe, S.E.

Optimisation of Aerospace System Control with Constraints on Retum Trajectories of Spent Elements
Estec 1999

Filatyev, A.; Golikov, A. & Yanova, O.

ESTEC Guidance, Navigation, and Control Activities for the Crew Retum Vehicle (CRV)
Estec 1999

Ortega, G. ; Mehlem, K. ; Steinkopf, M. ; Mulder, J. ; Van der Boom, A.J.J. & Weil, K.

Fuzzy Logic Based Flight Control of the Atmospheric Re-entry Crew Retum Vehicle
Estec 1999

Wu, S.-F. ; Chu, Q.P. ; Engelen, C.J.H. ; Babuska, R. ; Mulder, J.A. & Ortega, G.

Modern Solutions for Atmospheric Re-entry Flight Navigation - The CapRee Developments
Estec 1999

Frapard, B. ; Pascal, V. ; Fayard, R. ; Klotz, H. & Strandmoe, S.

Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of the Re-entry Crew Retum Vehicle
Estec 1999

Wu, S.-F. ; Costa, R.R. ; Chu, Q.P. ; Mulder, J.A. & Ortega, G.

Autonomous Star Tracker for ROSETTA
Estec 1999

Buemi, M. ; Landi, A. & Procopio, D.

Miniature GNC Sensors using APS Devices
Estec 1999

Lelong, P. ; Saint Pé, O. ; Vignon, B. ; Davancens, R. ; Farré, J. ; Magnan, P. & Duverger, T.

A New Technology Attitude Sensor
Estec 1999

Purll, D. ; Adolph, P. ; Uwaerts, D. & Weible, K.

Dynamical Binning for High Angular Rate Star Tracking
Estec 1999

Pasetti, A.; Habinc, s.; Creasey, R.C.

IST: A Flight Demonstration of the Stellar Autonomous Attitude Determination System on SAC-C
Estec 1999

Portelli, C. ; Bacchetta, A. ; Sechi, G. & De Meo, M.

Autonomous Spacecraft Formation Flying: State Vector Determination Based on GPS-like SignaIs
Estec 1999

Ortega, G

Passive Orbit Acquisition and Keeping for Clusters of Satellites in Low Earth Orbit
Estec 1999

Santoni, F.

Dynamic Ground-Track Chasing Constellation Using Atmospheric Drag
Estec 1999

Aorpimai, M; Steyn, H & Palmer, P.

Mission Management for Constellations and Highly Manoeuvrable Satellites
Estec 1999

Bonillo, C. ; Bastante, J.C. ; Caramagno, A. ; Fuchs, J. & Silvestrin, P.

Statistical Analysis of a Controlled Motion
Estec 1999

Malyshev, V.V.; Bobronnikov, V.T.; Krasilshikov, M.N.; Karp, K.A. & Leite Filho, W.C.

A Novel Control Strategy to Restrain Tumbling of an Underactuated Spacecraft with Disturbance
Estec 1999

Zhang, B. & Wu, H.

Satellite Launcher Attitude Tracking and Normal Acceleration Regulation Control Law
Estec 1999

Oliva, A.P. & Leite Filho, W.C.

Optimal Magnetic Momentum Control for Inertially Pointing Spacecraft
Estec 1999

De Marchi, E. ; De Rocco, L. ; Morea, G.D. & Lovera, M.

Autonomous Orbit Control for Earth-Observation Satellites
Estec 1999

Zeiler, O. ; Schubert, A. ; Hausler, B. & Puls, J.

Multiobjective LMI Based Attitude Control Design for a Telecommunication Satellite
Estec 1999

Bordier, M. ; Charbonnel, C. ; Drai, R. & Mignot, J.

Analysis of AOCS Concepts for Communications Satellites in Highly Eccentric Orbits
Estec 1999

Marco-Gomez, V; Del Cura Velayos, JM & Hernandez-Ariflo, S.

A Recursive Optimised Aigorithm for In-flight Magnetometer Calibration without Knowledge of Attitude
Estec 1999

Hodgart, MS. & Tortora, P.

Autonomous On-Board Batch Filter for Near Circular Orbit Determination
Estec 1999

Hashida, Y & Palmer, P.L.

Control Design for a Critical LEO Earth Observation Satellite, Based on GNSS Sensors for Orbit and Attitude Determination
Estec 1999

Llorente, JS ; Fernémdez-Ibarz, J.M ; Del Cura, JM ; Marco, V ; Casado, JL. & Fuchs, J.

Attitude Determination ofa USER Satellite in a Geo Transfer Orbit (GTO) Using GPS Measurements
Estec 1999

Enderle, W.

Three Frequency Concept to Solve Kinematic Techniques Degradation due to Multipath on Space Applications (RVD Scenario)
Estec 1999

Bonillo, C.; Carrascosa, C. & Toledo, M.

Analyses of the Equator-S GPS Mission Data at Altitudes above the GPS-Constellation
Estec 1999

Balbach, O. & Eissfeller, B.

Improving GPS Navigation with Orbital Filter
Estec 1999

Mehlen, C. & Laurichesse, D.

Ground and In-Orbit Testing of GPS for Space Applications
Estec 1999

Durand, P.; Schirmann, T.; Vaillon, L. & Pascal, V.

In-Orbit Performance of a Fully Autonomous Star Tracker
Estec 1999

Jorgensen, J.L..

In-orbit Attitude and Orbit Control Commissioning of UoSAT-12
Estec 1999

Steyn, W.H. & Hashida, Y.

Flight Results and Lessons Learned from the Orsted Attitude Control System
Estec 1999

Bak, Th.; Blanke, M & Wisniewski, R.W.

The LEOSTAR AOCS Design and Validation
Estec 1999

Schirmann, T & Damilano, P.

ODIN Attitude Control System Testing - An International Collaboration
Estec 1999

Ng, A.C ; Golla, D.F. & Harvey, E. ;

New AOCS Deve10pment and Validation Approaches
Estec 1999

Lemercier, C; Val Serra, S. & Le Roy, M.

Eurostar 3000 AOCS Design
Estec 1999

Martin, J.; Benoit, A.; D'Allest, C & Chaudron, F.

The Control System of One Space Probe Small Satellite
Estec 1999

Zhang, D.; Yang, B.; Li, G. & Shao, L.

The Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystems and the Antenna Pointing Performance of the SESAT Spacecraft
Estec 1999

Bartenev, VA. ; Titov, G.P. ; Rayevsky, VA. ; Korchaguin, E.N. ; Ovtchinnikov, A. V ; Dernov, A.S. ; Baiget, A. ; Gee, M ; Rogers, R.C & Somov, Ye.I.

Design of one Gyro AOCS for the ERS-2 Extended Mission
Estec 1999

De La Taille, L.; Gmerek, Ph. & Thieuw, A.

Agile AOCS Definition for an Optical Earth Observation Mission: LSPIM
Estec 1999

Roser, X ; Silvestrin, P. ; Labandibar, J-Y & Jubineau, F.

Control System Approaches for an Advanced Astrometry Satellite
Estec 1999

Jorck, H; Holota, W; Hupfer, W & Viehmann, D.

AOCS Design for Scientific Missions Rosetta/Mars Express
Estec 1999

Regnier, P.; Ecale, E. & Val Serra, S.