ESA GNC Conference Papers Repository


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81 search results:
A new generation stellar attitude sensor: the CT-601 solid-state star tracker
Estec 1991

J.P. McQuerry, D.d. Wagner, M.L. Sullivan, R.A. Deters & M.A. Radovich

Development of a hybrid docking dynamics simulator
Estec 1991

M. lnoue, J. Nakagawa & N. Arima

Star trackers and sun sensors for a modern attitude control system
Estec 1991

S. Thurey, U. Schmidt & G. Kulterer

The dynamics of the Cluster spacecraft
Estec 1991

C.A. Stephenson

On the dynamics and control of the first Brazilian remote sensing satellite
Estec 1991

l. Milagre da Fonseca & J.F. Ribeiro

Control of large earth observation spacecraft from SPOT-1 to PPF-1
Estec 1991

B. Polle

The attitude control design concepts in the DRTM satellites
Estec 1991

L. Mazzini, A. Ritorto & E. Astin

Autonomous and advanced GNC techniques for the interplanetary Rosetta mission
Estec 1991

C. Champetier, J. Serrano, J. de Lafontaine

The ROSAT star tracker - flight experience
Estec 1991

D. Purll, N. Gradmann, M. Bollner

Some aspects of the attitude and orbit control subsystem of the Olympus spacecraft
Estec 1991

P. Wadey, P.E. Miles & R.K. Lowes

OTS-2 end-of-life dynamics tests
Estec 1991

L. v. Holtz, A. G. Bird & I. T. Mitchell

In-orbit microvibration tests on SPOT -1 satellite: experiment principle and results
Estec 1991

A.C. de Gaujac, D. Monteil & C. Bousquet

Eutelsat II attitude and orbit control experience
Estec 1991

S.A. Glynn & L.R. Pattinson

In-flight performance of the ROSAT attitude measurement and control system
Estec 1991

W Schrempp, E. Braderle & L. Kafter

On the nonlinear adaptive control of flexible spacecraft
Estec 1991

G. Georgiou, D. Nonnand-Cyrot, S. Di Gennaro & S. Monaco

Performance of an attitude and rate improved estimator for an earth observation satellite
Estec 1991

S. Fritz

Trajectory control of orbiting two link: flexible manipulator system
Estec 1991

F. Karray, V.J. Modi & J.K. Chan

Spacecraft attitude control using magnetic torquers and gas jets
Estec 1991

R. Prigge, H. Klotz & H. Strauch

Modern control techniques for spacecraft AOC/GNC systems
Estec 1991

C. Champetier, E. Desplats & P. Pelipenko

Control strategies for space systems
Estec 1991

S. Stomelli, J. Ramakrishnan, H. Rajiyah, A. Silva

Object oriented simulation in diagnosis and recovery from faults in spacecraft subsystems: an experimental application to the Olympus AOCS
Estec 1991

R.S. Thompson, P.L. Silvestrin

Attitude and orbit control system of the VSOP mission spacecraft Muses-B
Estec 1991

K Ninomiya, T. Hashimoto, T. Kurii & N. Ogura

Fault detection isolation and recovery within the AOCS of SAX
Estec 1991

A.M. Selig & L. Karsten

Advanced fault tolerant AOCS computer for rendezvous and docking missions
Estec 1991

A. T. Sund, J. Tailhades & P. Linden

Distributed health management systems for ONC applications
Estec 1991

J. Wald, G. Hadden & J. Schoess

Mode management and run-time linking with ADA in real time
Estec 1991

R. Gerlich

Object oriented hardware simulation of spacecraft control algorithms
Estec 1991

A. T. Sund, I. Halvorsen, O. Rljdseth, B. Foss & B. Polle

Software to support attitude measurement system design
Estec 1991

C. Rogers & R. Lowes

Experiences with ADA in ISO AOCS
Estec 1991

P.G. Beerthuizen & M.J.A. Oort

Design and development of the SAX AOCS control software
Estec 1991

S. Kampen & J. Kouwen

A double gimballed magnetic bearing momentum wheel for high pointing accuracy and vibration sensitive space applications
Estec 1991

U.J. Bichler

Double gimballed momentum wheel design for small satellites
Estec 1991

M. Shamma & T. Michaelis

Application of GPS for Hermes rendezvous navigation
Estec 1991

B.A.C. Ambrosius, E. T. Hesper, R.J. Snijders & K.F. Wakker

The Columbus Free-Flyer GNC high precision GPS navigation in space
Estec 1991

R. Hartmann & G. Peuker

Near earth orbit determination using magnetometers
Estec 1991

I.Y. Bar-Itzhack & G. Shorshi

Autonomous GPS/INS navigation experiment for Space Transfer Vehicle (STV)
Estec 1991

T.N. Upadhyay, S. Cotterill & A. W. Deaton

Advanced identification techniques applied to validation of satellite attitude and orbit control systems
Estec 1991

R. Marley

Test system for fine attitude control systems of astronomy satellites
Estec 1991

K. Fujiwara, T. Kawahara, T. Saitoh, K Ninomiya

A fibre optic implementation of MACS bus
Estec 1991

D.J. Morris, M.J. Baker, F.v. Fischer-Treuenfeld, H.G. Sparringa & P. Brazzale

Full MACS controller-based self test module for spacecraft units and related testing facilities
Estec 1991

G. Borghi, M. Mancini, P. Brazzale, M. Brunamonti & S. Tosi

Architectural design of a test environment for AOCS applications
Estec 1991

C. Marscholik & U. Schwan

Description and simulation results of the Italsat AOCS advanced flight simulator
Estec 1991

G. Lenzo, R.L. Minciotti & M. Sasso

Robust control of an aerodynamically unstable launcher with bending modes
Estec 1991

S. Besset & P. Delpy

Design of Hermes manual control modes
Estec 1991

K Janschek, E. Lehrl & W Oesterlin

Objective propellant consumption and thruster activations for the attitude control of the Hermes-Columbus composite
Estec 1991

J. Magne, C. Billant-Guillaumin & J.M. Seguin

Hermes navigation and orbital guidance
Estec 1991

P. Riant & M. Frezet

Management of navigation means failure in Hermes space vehicle
Estec 1991

M. C. Capdevielle & T. Abensur

Hermes guidance, navigation and control system for rendezvous phases
Estec 1991

G. Brondino & J. Legenne

Ariane Transfer Vehicle (ATV) GNC Concepts
Estec 1991

E. Fyfe, D. Salt, C. Bonnal & F. Theiller

Mission and vehicle management and FDIR functions for GNC systems for rendezvous operations
Estec 1991

U. Soppa, J. Sommer, A. Tobias, M. Panicucci, L. Olivier-Martin

Autonomous capture experiment of free flying target on the ground simulator
Estec 1991

H. Shimoji, M. Inoue, K. Ninomiya, l. Nakatani & J. Kawaguchi

Use of the docking dynamics test facility for rendezvous and docking final approach verification
Estec 1991

P. Noirault & J. Pairot

Safety strategy and implementation for the rendezvous of the Columbus Free Flyer with the Space Station Freedom
Estec 1991

A. Kolkmeier & W. Schnetzer

Verification tests of a prototype RVD GNC on-board software
Estec 1991

C. Pauvert, T. Tailhades, U. Soppa, F. Kruse, R. Gloerfeld, T. v. Overbeek & F. Ankersen

Autonomous star identification and spacecraft attitude determination with CCD star trackers
Estec 1991

T. E. Strikwerda, H.L. Fisher, C. C. Kilgus & L.J. Frank

Low cost spacecraft attitude sensors
Estec 1991

M. Leese, A.K. Ward, S. Paice & S. Heyhoe

Attitude measurement and star line of sight: from on-ground experiment to flight results
Estec 1991

O. Vandermarcq

Development of the MAXUS-1 ARCS using fibre-optic gyros
Estec 1991

B. Eissfeller. G. Schmitt & A. Lissner

Development and test of the Astro-SPAS attitude measurement and control system
Estec 1991

A. Boinghoff, E. Braderle, N. Gradmann, G. Elsner, L. Kaffer & H. Widmann

Falke: winged re-entry vehicle flight control
Estec 1991

K D. Relotius & G. Netter

Attitude and orbit control algorithms for multiple payload launchers
Estec 1991

H. Strauch, H. Klotz, A. Lopez-y-Diaz

The orbital re-entry experiment vehicle and the flight experiment of GPS navigation for HOPE
Estec 1991

T. Izumi, I. Kawano, Y. Takizawa, K. Masuda, T. Mori & K. Kito

Trajectory optimisation and guidance strategies for re-entry
Estec 1991

S. Jallade, T. Duhamel & C. Champetier

Guidance and control for re-entry vehicles
Estec 1991

W Buhl, D. Paris

AOCS scenarios for low cost re-entry capsules
Estec 1991

H. Sondermann

The multi-disciplinary approach for future very high pointing accuracy AOCS
Estec 1991

WJ. Alldridge

Active damping by a local force feedback with piezoelectric actuators
Estec 1991

A. Preumont, J.P. Dufour & C. Malekian

Active suspension ground test facility for large flexible structure dynamics and control investigations
Estec 1991

Th. Lange & C. Schlegel

The attitude and orbit control system on the Aristoteles satellite
Estec 1991

P. Peyrot

The precision segmented reflectors: moderate mission figure control subsystem
Estec 1991

G. Sevaston, K. Lau, W. Breckenridge, B. Levine, N. Nerheim, S. Sirlin, H. Kadogawa, D. Redding

GPS differential navigation techniques for CARINA re-entry and spacecraft rendezvous operations
Estec 1991

G. Barresi, L. Caporicci & C. Soddu

Control of free-flying space robot for capturing manoeuvre
Estec 1991

K. Machida, T. Iwata, Y. Toda, N. Kubota, K. Ioi, T. Katsuragawa, N. Muroi & K. Ogimoto

On-board assistant for GNC monitoring during rendezvous operations
Estec 1991

A. de Saint-Vincent, P. Caloud, M. Frezet, M. Le Du

Adaptive guidance techniques for Hermes rendezvous
Estec 1991

E. Desplats & C. Champetier

Guidance, navigation and control strategy in a proximity range for autonomous RVD mission
Estec 1991

Y. Wakabayashi, I. Kawano, H. Suzuki, N. Yoshida, H. Miyazaki & T. Kanbe

Development of GNC system for rendezvous: major results of the pre-development programme
Estec 1991

J.M. Pairot, C. Pauvert, W. Fehse, A. Tobias, A. Getzschmann & J. Sommer

New AOCS Concepts for ARTEMIS and DRS
Estec 1991

T. Duhamel & A. Benoit

Attitude and articulation control for CRAF/Cassini
Estec 1991

C.E. Bell, D.E. Bernard & R.D. Rasmussen

GNC subsystem design and performance simulation for the Columbus Free-Flyer
Estec 1991

D. Ulrich, A. Woelker & R. Hartmann

Polar Platform AOCS
Estec 1991

P. Riant

Design aspects of the attitude control system for the SOHO spacecraft
Estec 1991

T.D. Wood & C.D. James